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(732) 229-7678
Concrete Delivery
Our trucks carry all of the raw materials needed to produce fresh concrete on the job site. There is no waste and you only pay for what you use.
Ready when you are
24/7 deliveries, including weekends and evenings.
No minimum, short loads welcome!
Up to 9 yards per truck
Multiple trucks available for larger pours-contact dispatch (732) 229-7678 to schedule
Standard & Custom Mix Designs
Our trucks custom blend concrete on site and can produce many different concrete mix designs on the same delivery run. You can order a standard mix or request a custom mix.
Standard Mixes
3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000 PSI
All standard mixes include 5/8" see Custom Mixes for other stones sizes
Custom Mixes
Garden State Concrete can accommodate most custom mixes. We frequently provide 3/8" stones for
compatibility with concrete pumpers and offer Flowable Fill and dry Flowable Fill custom mixes.
Contact Sales @ (732) 229-7678 for a free estimate. Please allow a minimum of 72 hours to complete custom mixes.
We can provide accelerator and retarder admixtures upon request. Accelerators quicken set time and retarders slow down the setting rate to keep concrete workable during placement. Contact dispatch for a price quote.
Truck Rental
Our truck and operator can be rented by the day or night.
We can also provide a mobile, low profile cement silo. Please call for pricing and availability.